This module provides tools for working with formatting information
provided by xlrd
relating and expressed in the Excel file as styles.
To use these tools, you need to open the workbook with xlrd
and make
sure formatting is enabled:
>>> import os
>>> from xlrd import open_workbook
>>> book = open_workbook(os.path.join(test_files,'testall.xls'), formatting_info=1)
Once you have a Book
object, you can extract the relevent style
information from it as follows:
>>> from xlutils.styles import Styles
>>> s = Styles(book)
You can now look up style information about any cell:
>>> sheet = book.sheet_by_name('Sheet1')
>>> s[sheet.cell(0,0)]
<xlutils.styles.NamedStyle ...>
This is not a suitable object for copying styles to a new
spreadsheet using xlwt
. If that is your intention, you’re
recommended to look at xlutils.save or xlutils.filter.
If you open up testall.xls
in Microsoft’s Excel Viewer or other
suitable software, you’ll see that the following information is
correct for cell A1:
>>> A1_style = s[sheet.cell(0,0)]
>>> A1_style.name
While that may be interesting, the actual style information is locked
away in an XF
record. Thankfully, a NamedStyle
easy access to this:
>>> A1_xf = A1_style.xf
>>> A1_xf
<xlrd.formatting.XF ...>
Once we have the XF record, for this particular cell, most of the interesting information is in the font definition for the style:
>>> A1_font = book.font_list[A1_xf.font_index]
Using the book’s colour map, you can get the RGB colour for this style, which is blue in this case:
>>> book.colour_map[A1_font.colour_index]
(0, 0, 128)
You can also see that this style specifies text should be underlined with a single line:
>>> A1_font.underline_type
Finally, the style specifies that text is not displayed with a “strike through” line:
>>> A1_font.struck_out
For completeness, here’s the same information but for cell B1:
>>> B1_style = s[sheet.cell(0,1)]
>>> B1_style.name
>>> B1_font = book.font_list[B1_style.xf.font_index]
In this case, though, the style’s colour is green:
>>> book.colour_map[B1_font.colour_index]
(0, 128, 0)
The style specifies that text should not be underlined:
>>> B1_font.underline_type
And finally, it specifies that text should be displayed with a “strike through” line:
>>> B1_font.struck_out